The Shaman

The Shaman of Sachavacay

Don Diego, the founder, director and master shaman of Sachavacay Preserve fully embodies the ancient healing traditions of the Amazonian curanderos (traditional healers). As an apprentice to elder shamans throughout the region he was readily identified at a young age as a pure-hearted vessel into which these age-old wisdoms were transmitted.

A diligent student of the Amazonian master plants, Don Diego has internalized the lessons of his masters, wisdom poorly understood in other cultures, that the plants themselves are the purest teachers. His body, mind and spirit have become a repository of the magnificent knowledge gleaned directly from a vast pharmacopoeia of plant medicines.

He is a master of the ancient art of Soplo, the traditional Amazonian tobacco blessing, used for millennia to clear body, mind and spirit. An accomplished musician, he carries within him a vast repertory of "icaros," magical shamanic songs that heal and guide the lives of those who listen. Because of their extraordinary beauty and power, some refer to the icaros as "the music of the heavens."

In Peru, Don Diego holds a rarely awarded certificate as a traditional plant healer based on his extensive study of ethnobotany of the Amazon.

In addition, Don Diego has recognized the need to integrate these ancient Amazonian ways of knowing with their scientific basis and contemporary application. He has studied the biochemistry of plant medicines at the Phytochemical University in Iquitos, Peru . Fluent in both Spanish and English, Don Diego exhibits a true cross-cultural competency. His students span many countries and backgrounds.

Diego currently offers study in Amazonian plant medicine around the world as well as in the rainforest of Peru. His ability to teach the healing arts effectively in many cultures is fostered by his extensive psychological and medical studies. He has studied Natural Medicine at the University of Alicante in Spain, Jungian psychology, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Bach flower essences. He has experience in many forms of massage therapy, including Thai and sports massage.

A man of deeply rooted spirituality, Don Diego honors all spiritual traditions and paths. He has learned from Hindu sages in India, "oracionistas," (shamans who heal with prayer) in Peru, and carries a humble devotion and reverence for the life of Christ. Those who study with him, regardless of their spiritual background, find a divine essence communicated through Don Diego's infectious smile and true compassion for all of humanity.

Those who have had the good fortune to find their way to this humble master find their lives beautifully enhanced. An accessible shaman for contemporary times, Don Diego brings pure healing to all who seek his counsel.

Come see for yourself...